How to Make Vegan Pesto - and still taste delicious!

Pesto traces back to 16th century Italy originating from the word "pestare" - to pound or crush.

Referring to the method in which the ingredients were ground together using a mortar and pestle.

Pesto ingredients include: -basil -pine nuts -Parmesan cheese -garlic -olive oil -salt & pepper

But making a vegan pesto without cheese is not only easy, it's still just as delicious!

1 - Nutritional Yeast

This popular vegan substitute is a great swap for cheese with its savory umami flavor.

2 - Vegan Parmesan

Find your favorite vegan style Parmesan cheese and use that in a 1:1 swap for regular cheese.

3- Miso Paste

While this substitution may sound weird, miso paste offers many of the same umami characteristics that cheese brings to pesto.

Swipe up to see more vegan substitutions & great pesto recipes!