Can You Use Aluminum Foil in an Air Fryer?

With the rise in popularity of air fryers — using foil in them has become a common question.

Aluminum foil can be used to: -collect drippings -create a packet for cooking the food -prevent sticking

But is it safe to use it in an air fryer?

The answer depends on the type of air fryer you're using & how you're using the foil.

Air fryers work by constantly circulating hot air around the food via a heating element. 

The location of the heating element varies between basket air fryers and oven air fryers.

And this small detail makes all the difference in the safety of aluminum foil in an air fryer.

It's important to never block the heating element with foil when air frying.

Swipe up to learn how to SAFELY use foil in your air fryer!