Earning and learning with 17 online job ideas for teens

 Freelance writing and blogging Many websites constantly seek fresh content, allowing  them to showcase their writing skills and build a portfolio.

Virtual assistance and data entry  Can be a perfect fit for organized and detail-oriented teens.

Social Media Management Teenagers can create and schedule posts, interact with followers

Online tutoring They can sharpen communication skills and reinforce understanding of the subject

Graphic design and digital art For teens with a flair for visual creativity.

Online surveys and small tasks They can be convenient for teens to make some extra pocket money.

Podcasting They can monetize podcasts through sponsorships, ads or listener support.

App or game testing They could become a tester and provide feedback to developers.

Online reselling They can source second-hand or vintage items,then list and sell them on platforms like Depop or eBay.

Online music lessons They can offer lessons to aspiring musicians on platforms like Lessonface.

Check out more great online jobs for teens below.