Fermenting Vegetables

Curious about fermented food? Chances are you’ve eaten it for years;  sauerkraut on the side, pickles on your burger or a tall glass of kombucha.

Fermenting vegetables is an ancient food preservation technique used across the world.

The basic fermented foods definition is foods or beverages produced through controlled microbial growth and the conversion of food components through enzymatic action.

Fermented vegetables may last up to six months when refrigerated, while canned pickled vegetables may last even longer.

Learning how to ferment at home is easy and may benefit your health and wallet.

Fermenting veggies has enjoyed a recent resurgence in popularity. According to Yelp, an online directory, searches for “pickle flavored food” were up 55 percent in 2023.

Through fermentation, bacteria and yeast break down the sugars in vegetables. This process, lacto-fermentation, produces lactic acid, which acts as a natural preservative.

Fermenting is a straightforward process. Learn more by visiting our site for the full article!