If you’re tired of the same old wishing-you-joy-and-peace routine, you’re in for a treat.

Get ready to sprinkle some laughter on your Christmas celebrations with these funny Christmas wishes that are bound to crack a smile on anyone’s face.

Funny Christmas wishes for the family.

1. This Christmas, I wish you joy, laughter and a carefully timed exit from awkward family conversations. 2. Sending you warm wishes and plenty of holiday cheer, because if I wrapped it, it wouldn’t fit through the door. 3. May your Christmas be more enjoyable than explaining technology to your grandparents.

For significant other

1. This Christmas, may our love be the only thing more contagious than holiday cheer, but let’s hope it doesn’t come with a fever. 2. You’re the best gift I could ever ask for, even though you’re not wrapped with a bow, and I can’t return you if I don’t like you. 3. They say Christmas is about giving, so here’s your gift: my undivided attention for the entire day. Use it wisely.

For kids

1. I asked Santa if he could make all your dreams come true. He said he’d do his best, but pet unicorns are on backorder this year. 2. If Santa doesn’t bring you everything on your list, just remember, he’s probably still trying to figure out how to wrap a pet dinosaur. It’s a logistical nightmare. 3. May your holiday season be more ho, ho, ho and less no, no, no from your parents.

For friends

1. May your days be merry and your in-laws be temporary. 2. Wishing you a silent night because your relatives finally took a hint and left. 3. Wish you to spend Christmas in the Bahamas this year and not in your pajamas.

Click the link below for the full list of funny Christmas wishes for all.