Crazy for crucifers: Exploring different types of cabbage

Cabbage is a leafy vegetable belonging to the brassica family.

It comes in a variety of shapes, colors & flavors.

And can be used for a lot more than just coleslaw or sauerkraut!

Green cabbage is the most common & classic variety with a peppery raw taste but mellower flavor when cooked.

Red or purple cabbage is similar to green. It's full of antioxidants giving it that striking color.

Napa cabbage's oblong & delicate leaves are perfect for stir-fries or salads.

Savoy is most note-worthy in appearance with its crinkly & looser leaves. It's great for stuffing.

Pointed cabbage can usually be found at farmer's markets. Similar to red and green cabbage but smaller & more tender.

Basically mini cabbages, Brussels sprouts are nutty & slightly sweet when roasted & the most versatile.

No matter which variety you choose or how you prepare it, cabbage is incredibly nutritious.

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