Grill, baby, grill: 15 recipes that’ll set your taste buds on fire

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Grill, baby, grill! These 15 recipes are perfect for anyone looking to add some thrill to their meals. Each one promises a burst of flavor that will leave you wanting more. These dishes are designed to make your summer gatherings unforgettable. Get ready to impress everyone with your grilling skills and mouthwatering creations. Your backyard parties just got a whole lot more exciting.

Close-up shot of Grilled French Onion Pork Burgers on a Ninja Woodfire Outdoor Grill topped with cheesy onion on a plate.
Grilled French Onion Pork Burgers. Photo credit: Grill What You Love.

Smoked Dill Pickle Wings

Smoked chicken wings with pickles on a black plate.
Smoked Dill Pickle Wings. Photo credit: Cook What You Love.

If you’re a fan of combining the tangy kick of dill pickles with the smoky goodness of chicken, Smoked Dill Pickle Wings might just become your new go-to grill recipe. They offer a unique twist on traditional flavors. Perfect for gatherings or a different weeknight dinner, their unexpected taste profile sparks conversation and makes every bite an experience. Not to mention, they pair wonderfully with your favorite cold beverage on a warm day.
Get the Recipe: Smoked Dill Pickle Wings

Grilled Steaks with Cowboy Butter

A grilled steak with cowboy butter on a white plate.
Grilled Steaks with Cowboy Butter. Photo credit: Grill What You Love.

When it comes to grilling, Grilled Steaks with Cowboy Butter is a classic choice that takes your meal from simple to spectacular without needing a whole day of prep. This dish combines the rich, succulent taste of perfectly grilled steaks with herby richness of cowboy butter, creating a contrast that’s hard to forget. Ideal for special occasions or when you want to treat yourself. Plus, it’s a surefire way to impress any steak lover.
Get the Recipe: Grilled Steaks with Cowboy Butter

Pork Stuffed Smoked Jalapeno Poppers

Smoked jalapeno poppers on a platter.
Pork Stuffed Smoked Jalapeno Poppers. Photo credit: Cook What You Love.

For those who love a good balance between spicy and savory, Pork Stuffed Smoked Jalapeno Poppers tick all the right boxes. This recipe transforms the humble jalapeno into a mouthwatering delicacy filled with a beautifully seasoned pork mixture. It’s a side dish that often steals the show, becoming the main focus of conversations around the grill. They prove that great things indeed come in small, spicy packages.
Get the Recipe: Pork Stuffed Smoked Jalapeno Poppers

Grilled Elote Corn Ribs

Grilled corn on the cob pieces topped with cheese, chili powder, and cilantro, served on a black slate plate with lime wedges on the side.
Grilled Elote Corn Ribs. Photo credit: Grill What You Love.

Summer and corn on the cob go hand in hand, but Grilled Elote Corn Ribs give this staple a fresh and exciting twist. Cutting the corn into rib-like strips before grilling enhances the smoky flavor and creates a fun, rib-like experience. This dish is a playful, yet utterly delicious way to enjoy corn differently. Everyone from kids to adults will appreciate this inventive take on a classic.
Get the Recipe: Grilled Elote Corn Ribs

Copycat Texas Roadhouse Beef Tips

Texas Roadhouse Beef Tips on a white plate.
Copycat Texas Roadhouse Beef Tips. Photo credit: Dinner By Heather.

Ever crave the restaurant-quality taste of steak tips at home? Look no further than Copycat Texas Roadhouse Beef Tips. This recipe brings the well-loved dish into your backyard, offering a comforting, hearty meal that feels like a night out. It’s the ultimate grill treat for when you want to indulge in a rich, meaty dish without the restaurant mark-up. Perfect for dinner parties or a family meal, it promises to be a crowd-pleaser.
Get the Recipe: Copycat Texas Roadhouse Beef Tips

Grilled Asparagus and Potato Salad

Close-up shot of Grilled Asparagus and Potato Salad on a white plate.
Grilled Asparagus and Potato Salad. Photo credit: Grill What You Love.

Looking for a side that’s as satisfying as it is unique? Grilled Asparagus and Potato Salad is your answer. This dish reinvents traditional potato salad by introducing the charred goodness of grilled asparagus, creating a balance that complements any main dish beautifully. It’s a great way to add a touch of gourmet to your outdoor cooking. Ideal for those who enjoy mixing up classic recipes with a simple yet effective twist.
Get the Recipe: Grilled Asparagus and Potato Salad

Traeger Smoked Garlic

Close-up of roasted garlic cloves.
Traeger Smoked Garlic. Photo credit: Grill What You Love.

Traeger Smoked Garlic is not your ordinary garlic. This method of preparing garlic transforms it from a background ingredient to a standout feature in any dish. Smoking the garlic mellows its sharpness and infuses a deep, smoky aroma that can enhance everything from butters and sauces to your main grill dishes. This recipe is a must-try for its simplicity and the profound impact it has on the flavors of your meals.
Get the Recipe: Traeger Smoked Garlic

Sizzling Thai Pork & Green Beans on the Blackstone Griddle

A plate of Thai pork & Green beans with rice, topped with a fried egg, served with chopsticks on the side.
Sizzling Thai Pork & Green Beans on the Blackstone Griddle. Photo credit: Grill What You Love.

For a quick, flavorful meal with an Asian twist, Sizzling Thai Pork & Green Beans on the Blackstone Griddle is unbeatable. It’s all about fresh ingredients meeting the intense heat of the griddle to produce a dish that’s full of contrasts – soft and crunchy textures, sweet and spicy notes. Great for a midweek meal that needs to be on the table fast but refuses to compromise on flavor.
Get the Recipe: Sizzling Thai Pork & Green Beans on the Blackstone Griddle

Big Mac Tacos

Two Big Mac tacos filled with ground beef, shredded lettuce, and pickles, and drizzled with a creamy sauce, placed on a white plate.
Big Mac Tacos. Photo credit: Grill What You Love.

Combine the iconic flavors of a fast-food favorite with the fun of taco night, and you’ve got Big Mac Tacos. This quirky recipe is a conversation starter, blending the familiar tastes of a Big Mac in the form of a taco. It’s a playful addition to any gathering and a surefire hit for both kids and adults. More than just a novelty, it delivers on taste and satisfaction, proving that creativity in the kitchen (or on the grill) always pays off.
Get the Recipe: Big Mac Tacos

Bacon-Wrapped Smoked Pork Loin

Smoked ham on a wooden cutting board.
Bacon-Wrapped Smoked Pork Loin. Photo credit: Keto Cooking Wins.

Bacon-Wrapped Smoked Pork Loin is everything you want in a dish – it’s savory, smoky, and impressively elegant despite its simplicity. The bacon not only adds flavor but helps keep the pork tender and juicy throughout the smoking process. It’s an impressive main dish for any occasion. Whether it’s a weekend BBQ or a special family dinner, this recipe is sure to be a standout.
Get the Recipe: Bacon-Wrapped Smoked Pork Loin

Smoked Beef Stew

A smoked beef stew recipe with carrots and potatoes.
Smoked Beef Stew. Photo credit: Cook What You Love.

When cooler weather rolls around, there’s nothing quite like a hearty stew. Smoked Beef Stew upgrades this classic comfort food with the deep, complex flavor that only smoking can achieve. It’s a warm, comforting dish that fills your home with an irresistible aroma. Perfect for lazy weekends or to impress guests, this stew proves that your smoker is capable of more than just summer BBQs. It’s a year-round tool for food excellence.
Get the Recipe: Smoked Beef Stew

Lemon Oregano Chicken Kabobs

Grilled Lemon-Oregano Chicken Kabobs with a dipping sauce.
Lemon Oregano Chicken Kabobs. Photo credit: Keto Cooking Wins.

Prepared to brighten up your grill game? Lemon Oregano Chicken Kabobs offers a Mediterranean-inspired taste that’s light yet surprisingly fulfilling. The combination of lemon and oregano brings a fresh brightness that perfectly balances the charred, smoky elements from the grill. These kabobs showcase how simple ingredients can produce stunning results. It’s a great way to keep things light and tasty.
Get the Recipe: Lemon Oregano Chicken Kabobs

Smoked Gimlet Cocktail

Two lime gimelts with smoke on top.
Smoked Gimlet Cocktail. Photo credit: Cook What You Love.

Who says your grill is only for food? Smoked Gimlet Cocktail introduces an innovative way to step up your drink game. By smoking key ingredients before mixing, this cocktail gains a unique depth and smokiness not found in traditional drinks. It’s perfect for impressing your guests at any gathering, offering them a taste experience they’re unlikely to find anywhere else. This cocktail is a creative venture that’s as fun to make as it is to drink.
Get the Recipe: Smoked Gimlet Cocktail

Grilled French Onion Pork Burgers

Close-up shot of Grilled French Onion Pork Burgers on a Ninja Woodfire Outdoor Grill topped with cheesy onion on a plate.
Grilled French Onion Pork Burgers. Photo credit: Grill What You Love.

Bringing a twist to pork burgers, Grilled French Onion Pork Burgers blend the savory allure of French onion soup with the undeniable joy of grilling. The result is a juicy, flavorful burger that stands out in a sea of beef patties. It’s the ultimate answer for anyone looking to switch up their burger routine. Great for when you’re in the mood for something comfortingly familiar but with a new edge.
Get the Recipe: Grilled French Onion Pork Burgers

Smoked Chicken Al Pastor

A stack of chicken and pineapple on a vertical skewer on a cutting board.
Smoked Chicken Al Pastor. Photo credit: Cook What You Love.

Smoked Chicken Al Pastor is a cross-cultural fusion that brings the vibrant flavors of Mexican street food into your backyard. This recipe takes the traditional marinating and slow-cooking techniques of al pastor and applies them to chicken, with the added twist of smoke to enhance its flavor profile. It’s a daring dish that pays off, offering a mouthwatering meal that’s as fun to prepare as it is to eat.
Get the Recipe: Smoked Chicken Al Pastor

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