Salad goals: 17 recipes that will make your Instagram feed drool

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Transform your meal game and your social media with these incredible salad recipes. They’re perfect for any occasion, from casual lunches to fancy dinners. Try these 17 salads and watch your Instagram feed become the envy of all your followers. Enjoy creating and sharing these drool-worthy dishes!

Wheat Berry Salad with Tomato & Tuna in a bowl.
Wheat Berry Salad with Tuna & Tomatoes. Photo credit: Cook What You Love.

Shirazi Salad

Shirazi Salad in a white serving bowl.
Shirazi Salad. Photo credit: Cook What You Love.

Shirazi Salad is a vibrant Persian dish dressed lightly with lime juice and olive oil, making each bite a crisp and clean experience. This salad is as beautiful as it is tasty, with bright colors that pop on any plate. It’s perfect for a hot day and looks amazing in any food photography. Share it on Instagram to add a splash of color to your feed.
Get the Recipe: Shirazi Salad

Old Fashioned Ham Salad

Ham Salad with dill pickle on a plate.
Old Fashioned Ham Salad. Photo credit: Cook What You Love.

This salad is perfect for spreading on crackers or stuffing into tomatoes for a photogenic lunch. Old Fashioned Ham Salad is a creamy, comforting recipe that brings back nostalgic flavors. Its rich, pink hue and versatile serving options make it a charming addition to any social media page. It’s a classic that never fails to entice.
Get the Recipe: Old Fashioned Ham Salad

Egg Salad

The Best Egg Salad on the Planet.
Egg Salad. Photo credit: Keto Cooking Wins.

It’s perfect for a light meal or a side dish. Egg Salad is a simple yet delightful mixture that’s both versatile and incredibly satisfying. It combines hard-boiled eggs with creamy mayo and a hint of mustard for some tang. Snap a photo before you dig in—the contrast of colors makes it a standout on any feed.
Get the Recipe: Egg Salad

Grilled Peach Salad with Tomatoes

A plate with Grilled Peach Salad with Tomatoes.
Grilled Peach Salad with Tomatoes. Photo credit: Grill What You Love.

Grilled Peach Salad with Tomatoes brings sweet and savory together in a stunning display. Juicy grilled peaches and ripe tomatoes are the stars of this dish, accented with fresh basil and a balsamic glaze. It’s a summertime favorite that’s as delicious as it is beautiful. The warm colors and char marks from the grill make this salad a photogenic feast.
Get the Recipe: Grilled Peach Salad with Tomatoes

Mexican Street Corn Salad

Mexican Street Corn Salad in a bowl.
Mexican Street Corn Salad. Photo credit: Cook What You Love.

Share this one when you want to spice up your profile with something exciting and vibrant. Mexican Street Corn Salad turns the classic elote into a spoonable, spicy delight. It’s perfect for summer barbecues and fiestas. Its bright yellow and red specks stand out in any feed, making it an instant eye-catcher.
Get the Recipe: Mexican Street Corn Salad

Rotisserie Chicken Pasta Salad

Rotisserie chicken pasta salad in a bowl.
Rotisserie Chicken Pasta Salad. Photo credit: Cook What You Love.

Rotisserie Chicken Pasta Salad is a hearty dish that combines tender chicken with pasta and fresh veggies. It’s dressed in a light, creamy sauce that ties all the ingredients together beautifully. This salad is not only filling but also makes for a colorful bowl that’s perfect for a quick snap. Ideal for meal prep or a family dinner, it’s as practical as it is photogenic.
Get the Recipe: Rotisserie Chicken Pasta Salad

Mediterranean Orzo Salad with Shrimp

A bowl of Mediterranean orzo salad on a black plate.
Mediterranean Orzo Salad with Shrimp. Photo credit: Cook What You Love.

It’s a picturesque dish that’s bound to get your followers talking. Mediterranean Orzo Salad with Shrimp is a feast for the eyes and the palate. The vibrant colors and fresh ingredients are perfect for showcasing a healthy, flavorful meal. Drizzle with a lemony dressing for extra zest.
Get the Recipe: Mediterranean Orzo Salad with Shrimp

Tex-Mex Caesar Salad

An image of Tex-Mex Caesar Salad on a square plate.
Tex-Mex Caesar Salad. Photo credit: Cook What You Love.

Capture its unique textures and colors for a post that’s as lively as it is delicious. Tex-Max Caesar Salad puts a spicy twist on the traditional Caesar, incorporating bold Tex-Mex elements. This salad is perfect for those who like their greens with a little extra kick. It’s both appealing to the eye and the palate.
Get the Recipe: Tex-Mex Caesar Salad

Steak & Pasta Salad

A black bowl filled with a pasta salad containing farfalle, steak slices, radishes, cherry tomatoes, lettuce, nuts, and crumbled blue cheese, garnished with parsley, on a wooden board next to a spoon.
Steak & Pasta Salad. Photo credit: Cook What You Love.

Steak & Pasta Salad combines the heartiness of well-cooked steak with the lightness of pasta tossed in a vibrant dressing. This salad is a fulfilling meal that looks as impressive as it tastes. The rich colors of the steak against the backdrop of greens and pasta make for a perfect Instagram shot. It’s ideal for dinner parties or a satisfying lunch that won’t disappoint.
Get the Recipe: Steak & Pasta Salad

Wheat Berry Salad with Tuna & Tomatoes

Wheat Berry Salad with Tomato & Tuna in a bowl.
Wheat Berry Salad with Tuna & Tomatoes. Photo credit: Cook What You Love.

Get ready to gather likes and compliments alike when you post this one. Wheat Berry Salad with Tuna & Tomatoes not only tastes refreshing but also looks vibrant on any table. This salad combines hearty wheat berries with the lightness of tuna and the freshness of tomatoes. It’s perfect for a healthy lunch that keeps you energized.
Get the Recipe: Wheat Berry Salad with Tuna & Tomatoes

Pesto Orzo Salad

Orzo salad resting on a dark plate.
Pesto Orzo Salad. Photo credit: Cook What You Love.

Pesto Orzo Salad is a bright and flavorful addition to any meal. The rich green of the pesto and the creamy orzo create a stunning visual contrast. It’s quick to prepare, making it ideal for a last-minute dinner side or a standout dish at your next gathering. Its mouth-watering appearance is matched by its delicious taste.
Get the Recipe: Pesto Orzo Salad

Mediterranean Tuna Salad

Four Mediterranean Tuna Salad stuffed avocados on a white plate.
Mediterranean Tuna Salad. Photo credit: Keto Cooking Wins.

With its array of colorful ingredients, Mediterranean Tuna Salad is as delightful to look at as it is to eat. This salad is a great way to bring a touch of the Mediterranean to your kitchen. It’s not only a feast for the eyes but also a boost for your health. Each serving is a picturesque plate that promises vibrant flavors.
Get the Recipe: Mediterranean Tuna Salad

Classic Caprese Salad

A top-down shot of a classic caprese salad in a black dish.
Classic Caprese Salad. Photo credit: Keto Cooking Wins.

Classic Caprese Salad is simple at its best. The vibrant red and green with a drizzle of balsamic glaze make it a total showstopper. It’s incredibly easy to assemble, yet looks utterly sophisticated. Perfect for a light lunch or as a side dish that complements any meal. Its classic beauty is always a hit on social media feeds.
Get the Recipe: Classic Caprese Salad

Cucumber Salad with Feta

Cucumber and Feta salad in a black bowl.
Cucumber Salad with Feta. Photo credit: Dinner By Heather.

Snap a pic before you dig in—this one is as photogenic as it is tasty. Cucumber Salad with Feta brings a crisp, refreshing bite to any meal. The combination of cool cucumber and sharp feta cheese, dressed lightly, is both pleasing to the eye and the palate. This salad is perfect for hot days when you crave something light yet flavorful.
Get the Recipe: Cucumber Salad with Feta

Easy Salmon Pasta Salad

A bowl of salmon pasta salad with a creamy dressing, garnished with a sprig of dill.
Easy Salmon Pasta Salad. Photo credit: Dinner By Heather.

Easy Salmon Pasta Salad is a hearty yet light dish perfect for any occasion. It features flaky salmon, tender pasta, and a mix of vegetables, all tied together with a light dressing. This salad is ideal for a quick lunch or a nutritious dinner. Its appealing colors and textures make it a fantastic choice for those who love to share their meals online.
Get the Recipe: Easy Salmon Pasta Salad

Wild Rice Salad

Wild rice salad served on a white rectangular plate.
Wild Rice Salad. Photo credit: Dinner By Heather.

It’s a guaranteed like-magnet on your social feed. Wild Rice Salad stands out with its unique texture and nutty flavor. This robust salad is both nutritious and visually appealing. It’s perfect for a filling lunch or a side at dinner. The diverse ingredients create a mosaic of colors that are a feast for the eyes.
Get the Recipe: Wild Rice Salad

Spring Salad with Asparagus, Peas & Potatoes

Spring salad with asparagus and potatoes on a white plate.
Spring Salad with Asparagus, Peas & Potatoes. Photo credit: Dinner By Heather.

This vibrant salad is bursting with freshness and is perfect for welcoming the warmer weather. Spring Salad with Asparagus, Peas & Potatoes celebrates the best of the season’s produce. The greens, whites, and yellows offer a palette that will brighten your Instagram grid. It’s a fresh, tasty way to herald the spring.
Get the Recipe: Spring Salad with Asparagus, Peas & Potatoes

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