15 Italian recipes my family consistently raves about

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Want to impress your family with some amazing Italian cooking? These 15 recipes have consistently received rave reviews from our family. They’re simple to make and burst with flavor, ensuring everyone at the table is satisfied. Perfect for weeknight dinners or special occasions, these recipes are sure to become household staples. Discover why these Italian dishes are loved so much.

Two bowls of penne alla vodka, with Parmesan by the side.
Penne Alla Vodka. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Sweet Corn and Leek Risotto

Sweet corn risotto in a skillet on a wooden cutting board.
Sweet Corn and Leek Risotto. Photo credit: Two City Vegans.

Who knew risotto could be this lively, with corn adding a juicy crunch and leeks bringing in a mellow vibe? In Sweet Corn and Leek Risotto, every spoonful is like a warm hug from your kitchen. This dish becomes the star of our dinner rotations when we want something comforting yet packed with flavor. Grandma always asks for seconds, and honestly, I’m right there with her.
Get the Recipe: Sweet Corn and Leek Risotto

Vegan Alfredo Pasta

A plate of creamy fettuccine alfredo garnished with chopped parsley.
Vegan Alfredo Pasta. Photo credit: Two City Vegans.

It’s creamy, it’s dreamy, and it’s entirely dairy-free – we can’t get enough. With Vegan Alfredo Pasta, we’ve found that perfect crowd-pleaser that leaves everyone at the table full and happy, no milk or cheese required. My brother, who’s a skeptic of all things vegan, now requests this on the regular; it’s that good. Plus, it’s a great conversation starter at dinners!
Get the Recipe: Vegan Alfredo Pasta

Air Fryer Pizza

A pizza is being cooked in an air fryer.
Air Fryer Pizza. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Think making pizza has to be a big event? Not so with Air Fryer Pizza, which turns pizza night into a simple affair. The kids jump in to top their own creations, and we all marvel at how crispy and perfect they turn out. It’s our cool little secret that making pizza can be quick, easy, and still amazingly delicious.
Get the Recipe: Air Fryer Pizza

Best Lemon Pasta

A bowl of pasta with lemon slices and parmesan cheese.
Best Lemon Pasta. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

There’s something about a tangy, citrus-infused pasta that just feels right. Best Lemon Pasta changed the game in our home, proving that simple ingredients can make a big impact. On a warm evening, my family prefers this dish above others for its light, refreshing taste. It’s a little brightness on a plate that always leaves us smiling.
Get the Recipe: Best Lemon Pasta

Asparagus and White Bean Risotto

A bowl of asparagus and white bean risotto.
Asparagus and White Bean Risotto. Photo credit: Two City Vegans.

Risotto, but make it full of green goodness and satisfying texture, that’s what’s on the menu tonight. Asparagus and White Bean Risotto is filling without feeling heavy, and the crunch of asparagus keeps things interesting. Our kitchen is filled with “mmm’s” from the first bite to the last. It’s a sure bet when we want to impress guests with our home cooking.
Get the Recipe: Asparagus and White Bean Risotto

Spaghetti Marinara

Spaghetti marinara in a bowl with fresh basil on top..
Spaghetti Marinara. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Bring out that pot, because when we’re craving something homely and rich, it’s time for Spaghetti Marinara. It’s the go-to for a no-fancy-frills, just-good-food experience. Every twirl of the fork brings a smile, and it’s a reminder of what a perfect pasta dish should be. Even the pickiest eater in our house can’t resist it, and that’s saying something.
Get the Recipe: Spaghetti Marinara

Italian Seasoning

A bowl filled with Italian seasoning.
Italian Seasoning. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Sprinkle a little magic, that’s what we say when it’s time for Italian Seasoning. It transforms even the simplest dish into something that seems straight from an Italian grandmother’s kitchen. Pasta, poultry, or veggies, it doesn’t matter; this seasoning makes it a hit. Our kitchen cupboard never goes without it, and for a good reason.
Get the Recipe: Italian Seasoning

Pasta Primavera

A colorful Pasta Primavera salad with cherry tomatoes, asparagus, peas, and spinach in a blue bowl.
Pasta Primavera. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Who said loaded with veggies couldn’t be incredibly satisfying? In our house, Pasta Primavera is vibrant proof that plant-powered can be moreish and hearty. It’s a colorful mix that makes dinner time a feast for the eyes as much as the stomach. Best thing? It’s as nutritious as it is inviting, and that’s a double win right there.
Get the Recipe: Pasta Primavera

Caprese Pesto Tarts

Fresh cherry tomatoes and herbs served in crispy puff pastry cups on a wooden surface.
Caprese Pesto Tarts. Photo credit: Pocket Friendly Recipes.

Small bites, big flavors – we love starting our meals with something that packs a punch. Caprese Pesto Tarts are our tiny showstoppers, fusing classic Italian elements in a fun, new format. They’ve become a bit of a tradition at our family gatherings, and friends have started asking for them by name. Each tart is a mouthful of joy, no exaggeration.
Get the Recipe: Caprese Pesto Tarts

Macaroni Salad

A spoon lifting a serving of creamy macaroni salad with diced red onion and fresh herbs, with pepper sprinkled on top.
Macaroni Salad. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Need a picnic hero? Look no further than our family’s rendition of Macaroni Salad. It’s the comfort classic reimagined to brighten any outdoor spread. We’re often caught sneaking spoonfuls straight from the fridge; it’s that kind of addictive.
Get the Recipe: Macaroni Salad

Garlic Aioli

Garlic aioli in a mixing bowl with a spoon in it, garlic cloves, and dill around it.
Garlic Aioli. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

When a condiment gets as many compliments as the main dish, you know it’s special. Garlic Aioli has become a must-have for us, whether we’re dipping, spreading, or just looking for that extra oomph. It’s our little secret to making sandwiches and snacks go from so-so to so good. Plus, everyone gets a kick from its bold garlic approach.
Get the Recipe: Garlic Aioli

Penne Alla Vodka

Two bowls of penne alla vodka, with Parmesan by the side.
Penne Alla Vodka. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Forget what you think you know about pasta sauce because Penne Alla Vodka is here. It’s a rich, tomato-cream dream that’s been making our pasta nights a whole lot more exciting. It’s delightful without needing to dress up, and kids and adults alike keep asking for it. Yes, even on Tuesday nights.
Get the Recipe: Penne Alla Vodka

Caprese Skewers

Caprese skewers on a serving dish with balsamic glaze drizzled over.
Caprese Skewers. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

There’s something about tomatoes, basil, and mozzarella together that just works. Enter Caprese Skewers, our little sticks of flavor that disappear as quickly as they’re made. They’ve turned every party and family BBQ up a notch in fun. It’s simplicity and elegance on a stick, really.
Get the Recipe: Caprese Skewers

Creamy Vegan Red Pepper Pasta

Creamy Vegan Red Pepper Pasta. Photo credit: Two City Vegans.

People often wonder how a vegan dish can be so indulgent. Creamy Vegan Red Pepper Pasta answers that question with a resounding ‘yes’ to velvety richness without a hint of dairy. The color alone makes it a show-stopper on any table. And trust us, when you’re after comfort with a twist, this is where you turn.
Get the Recipe: Creamy Vegan Red Pepper Pasta

Pizza Seasoning

A wooden bowl filled with pizza seasoning on a plate.
Pizza Seasoning. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Spice things up a notch, it’s pizza time but with our special twist of Pizza Seasoning. Just a sprinkle and ordinary becomes ‘wow’, making those homemade pizzas rival the ones from your favorite pizzeria. It’s funny how everyone now volunteers to set the table when pizza‘s on the menu. It’s become that little jar of ‘extra’ we can’t do without in our kitchen.
Get the Recipe: Pizza Seasoning

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