Who needs restaurants? 17 Saturday family faves

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Meals that make memories are the essence of this curated list. Here are 17 recipes that have repeatedly proven to be family favorites over countless dinners and gatherings.

A lasagna being dished up.
Spinach and Ricotta Lasagna. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Cheese Quesadilla

Some picking up a slice of cheese quesadilla.
Cheese Quesadilla. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Kids and adults alike request Cheese Quesadillas non-stop. It’s that dish everyone in the house can’t get enough of. Simple and scrumptious.
Get the Recipe: Cheese Quesadilla

Air Fryer Egg Bites

Egg Bites on a board with a little parsley on top.
Air Fryer Egg Bites. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Who knew something so quick could be a family favorite? These Egg Bites are the reason breakfast has become everyone’s favorite meal of the day.
Get the Recipe: Air Fryer Egg Bites

Flatbread Pizza

Two slices of  pizza with tomatoes and herbs.
Flatbread Pizza. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

It’s hard to keep track of how many times this one’s been requested at family dinners. Flatbread Pizza has truly become a household name.
Get the Recipe: Flatbread Pizza

Mozzarella Sticks

Someone pulling a mozzarella stick apart and showing the stretchy cheese.
Mozzarella Sticks. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

These disappear from the table faster than they’re served. Mozzarella Sticks have earned their title as the family’s most-craved snack.
Get the Recipe: Mozzarella Sticks

Potato Casserole

Potato Casserole being served.
Potato Casserole. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Grandma’s recipe? Mom’s? No matter where it came from, this Potato Casserole is the dish everyone waits for at family gatherings.
Get the Recipe: Potato Casserole

Spinach and Ricotta Lasagna

A lasagna being dished up.
Spinach and Ricotta Lasagna. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Even the kids ask for seconds, making this lasagna the unlikely superstar of many family dinners. A delightful surprise, every time.
Get the Recipe: Spinach and Ricotta Lasagna

Cacio e Pepe

A plate of spaghetti with parmesan cheese on a green cloth.
Cacio e Pepe. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Simplicity at its best and a favorite among teens in the house. Everyone wonders how something so simple became so loved.
Get the Recipe: Cacio e Pepe

Vegetable Fritters

Vegetable fritters in a stack.
Vegetable Fritters. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Turning veggies into the family’s top request was unexpected. Yet, here we are, making Vegetable Fritters almost every week.
Get the Recipe: Vegetable Fritters

Creamy Avocado Sauce

Avocado sauce in a bowl with it's ingredients surrounding it.
Creamy Avocado Sauce. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Tacos, nachos, or just a dip – it’s the sauce everyone in the family raves about. A surprise hit that’s now essential.
Get the Recipe: Creamy Avocado Sauce

Hashbrown Casserole

Hashbrown casserole being served.
Hashbrown Casserole. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

It’s not just breakfast; it’s THE breakfast. Hashbrown Casserole has everyone up and excited on Saturday mornings.
Get the Recipe: Hashbrown Casserole

Air Fryer Cinnamon Rolls

Air fried cinnamon rolls in an air fryer basket.
Air Fryer Cinnamon Rolls. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

The sweet aroma pulls everyone to the kitchen. This quick delight has made so many family mornings extra special.
Get the Recipe: Air Fryer Cinnamon Rolls

Veggie Burger

A homemade veggie burger in a bun, on a wooden plate, ready to eat.
Veggie Burger. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Never thought a non-meat burger would get so many votes in the family. This Veggie Burger is the proof that favorites can change.
Get the Recipe: Veggie Burger

Stuffed Peppers

Two stuffed peppers in a bowl with melted cheese on top.
Stuffed Peppers. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Filled with flavor and love, these peppers are a treat everyone eagerly anticipates. Clearly, a favorite at family feasts.
Get the Recipe: Stuffed Peppers

25 Minute Black Bean Burger

A black bean burger in a burger bap with relish oozing out over it.
25 Minute Black Bean Burger. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

The speed and taste combination of this burger is why it’s a family repeat. Everyone’s always up for it, any day of the week.
Get the Recipe: 25 Minute Black Bean Burger

French Bread Pizza

Four slices of French bread pizza with tomatoes and cheese on a cutting board.
French Bread Pizza. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Bread’s good. Pizza‘s great. Combine them, and you’ve got a family favorite that’s requested way too often. Always a hit!
Get the Recipe: French Bread Pizza

Neapolitan Pizza

A quick and easy pizza recipe on a white plate.
Neapolitan Pizza. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

A testament to the fact that classics become classics for a reason. This pizza is the unanimous family choice on many Saturdays.
Get the Recipe: Neapolitan Pizza

Air Fryer Tortilla Chips

Air fried tortilla chips stacked on a plate around a bowl of dipping sauce.
Air Fryer Tortilla Chips. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

The crunch of these chips is the talk of the family. Movie nights or game days, they’re the snack everyone hopes to see on the table.
Get the Recipe: Air Fryer Tortilla Chips

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