The cat distribution system is a playful concept that originated as a meme on TikTok, particularly among cat lovers. It playfully suggests that cats are somehow mysteriously delivered to people who didn’t necessarily plan on getting a cat or kitten but end up with one anyway. As if someone or something has another plan altogether.

Life has a funny way of giving us exactly what we need, even when not looking for it. Like the cat distribution system, there are moments when the universe seems to step in, delivering unexpected gifts or opportunities we don’t even know we want.
Whether it’s a chance encounter that leads to a new friendship, a hobby that turns into a passion or a spontaneous decision that changes your life for the better, these unplanned surprises often end up being what we need. Sometimes, it’s as if life knows what we want before we do.
The cat distribution system
Imagine stopping because you see something on the side of the road, and it turns out to be a kitten, alone and scared. You don’t want a kitten and weren’t planning on getting one, but suddenly, you’ve found one. And you can’t just leave it there or drop it off at a shelter. This encounter is the cat distribution system at work.
The idea that the universe or some unseen force ensures that cats find their way into the lives of those who need them, often in unexpected ways. The cat distribution system is just a fun, light-hearted way to explain how we get what we need or want without taking many steps to get there. It’s a nod to the idea that cats and many other things have a way of finding us rather than the other way around.
The law of attraction
The cat distribution system may lead some people to believe in the power of thoughts and intentions, often called the law of attraction. By focusing on your desire, you unconsciously set things in motion to make it happen.
What happens next? Often nothing. But sometimes the sky is the limit while your dreams are more than delivered. Whether through small subtle actions you take without realizing it or just a bit of good luck, what you concentrate on often finds its way into your life, even when you’re not actively trying to make it happen.
Some people confuse the law of attraction with manifestation. Although they are similar, manifestation is more intentional and requires more work, while the law of attraction is less work and more passive single thoughts.
Conversely, serendipity is stumbling upon something extraordinary when you weren’t even looking for it. In that moment, life hands you exactly what you need, often disguised as a chance encounter, an accidental discovery or an unplanned event. A random chance encounter for Michelle Price of Care Package Love, who relates “how an opportunity to nanny for a family turned by chance into a different job that lasted for three years and leapfrogged my career.”
These serendipitous moments can profoundly impact you, leading to new opportunities, relationships or insights you might never have sought. Whether finding the perfect job through a casual conversation or trying something that becomes a lifelong hobby, like cake baking, or taking a class that changes your life by sheer coincidence, serendipity adds an element of surprise and joy to our lives.
The influence of serendipity can be powerful, often steering us in directions we hadn’t anticipated but that end up being just right. It reminds us that not everything needs to be meticulously planned or sought after; sometimes, the best things come when we least expect them while enjoying a muffin or a cup of coffee at a coffee shop. Embracing serendipity means being open to the unexpected and recognizing that life’s twists and turns can bring about some of our most cherished experiences.
We’ve been chosen
Whether through the cat distribution system, the law of attraction or serendipity, life has given you the perfect opportunity. Now, all you have to do is walk through the door and accept what’s in front of you. Embrace the unexpected gift handed to you. Trust that sometimes, life knows what you need even before you do, and by stepping forward, you allow these unforeseen opportunities to shape your path in ways you never imagined.
Laura Sampson of Little House Big Alaska is on a mission to teach modern family-oriented home cooks how to make old-fashioned foods new again. She shares her passion for home cooking, backyard gardening and homesteading on her website and blog.