13 desserts you’ve never tried before

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You know, there are so many cool desserts out there that most of us haven’t even heard of, let alone tasted. It’s like every corner of the world has its own unique sweet treat that’s a little bit quirky or totally unexpected. Just think, somewhere out there, here are 13 desserts you’ve never tried before!

A spoon is scooping sabayon with strawberries and blueberries.
Champagne Sabayon. Photo credit: Eggs All Ways.

Air Fryer Churros

Churros on a white plate with a bowl of caramel dipping sauce on the side.
Air Fryer Churros. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

Air Fryer Churros are a thing, and if you’ve never tried churros from an air fryer, you’re in for a pleasant surprise. We all know and love the classic deep-fried churros, but when you throw an air fryer into the mix, it gets even better. They come out crispy, golden, and ready to dip in your favorite sauce. A classic dessert, made in a not-so-classic way. Definitely a must-try for those who love experimenting.
Get the Recipe: Air Fryer Churros

Chocolate Orange Babka

Low angle shot of a chocolate babka with a wedge removed so you can see the inside.
Chocolate Orange Babka. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

So, there’s this thing called Chocolate Orange Babka, right? Maybe you’ve never tried it, but let me tell you, it’s like a cozy hug in dessert form. Imagine tangy orange and rich chocolate all mixed together in a soft, twisty bread. Weird combination? Maybe. Delicious? Absolutely. It’s different, sure, but in the best kind of way. Definitely one for the books if you’re up for something new.
Get the Recipe: Chocolate Orange Babka


Hamentashen cookies piled on a white plate with more cookies on a rack in the background. There is jar of jam with a spoon in it in the background too.
Hamentashen. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

Hamentashen might sound a bit out there if you’ve never had it before. It’s this cute little pastry, shaped like a triangle, filled with all sorts of sweet stuff. Yeah, those pastries you’ve never tried before that sort of make you curious? That’s Hamentashen for you. They’re traditional, a bit different, and 100% worth a taste. Give them a shot; you might just find a new favorite.
Get the Recipe: Hamentashen

Air Fryer Brownies

Brownies with nuts and caramel stacked on a plate.
Air Fryer Brownies. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

If you’ve never tried whipping up a batch of Air Fryer Brownies, you might raise an eyebrow at the idea. Brownies in an air fryer? But hear me out – it’s surprisingly brilliant. They come out perfectly cooked with a gooey center, just the way a good brownie should be. It’s one of those desserts you’ve never tried before that makes you wonder why it isn’t more mainstream. Time to join the air fryer dessert trend!
Get the Recipe: Air Fryer Brownies

Egg Nog Bundt Cake

Low angle shot of a wedge of eggnog cake on a glass plate.
Egg Nog Bundt Cake. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

Have you ever stumbled upon an Egg Nog Bundt Cake during the holidays? If not, you’re missing out. It’s like drinking your favorite festive drink but in cake form. For those of us who’ve never tried it, the idea might sound a bit quirky. Egg nog… as a cake? But it totally works. Moist, flavorful, and with a hint of nutmeg. It’s unexpected holiday cheer in every bite.
Get the Recipe: Egg Nog Bundt Cake

Quaker Oatmeal Cookies

Low angle shot of oatmeal cookies on a white plate.
Quaker Oatmeal Cookies. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

For something a bit wholesome and sweet, Quaker Oatmeal Cookies hit just the right spot. Maybe you’ve never thought to try them before, dismissing them as too simple, but there’s something comforting about them. They’re chewy, they’re oat-y, and they’ve got just enough sweetness to feel like a treat. So why not give them a chance? They might just become your go-to snack.
Get the Recipe: Quaker Oatmeal Cookies

Air Fryer Fried Ice Cream

Fried ice cream scoop topped with whipped cream and chocolate sauce.
Air Fryer Fried Ice Cream. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

Now, Air Fryer Fried Ice Cream might make you pause. Fried… and ice cream… in an air fryer? If you’ve never tried something like this before, it sounds like a kitchen experiment gone wild. But trust me, it’s a game-changer. Crispy on the outside, cold and creamy on the inside. It’s one of those desserts you’ve never tried before but once you do, you wonder how you lived without it.
Get the Recipe: Air Fryer Fried Ice Cream

Apple Galette

Overhead shot of an apple galette on parchment with fresh apples on the side.
Apple Galette. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

An Apple Galette is basically the laid-back cousin of the traditional apple pie. If you’ve never tried one before, you might be thinking, “Is it really that different?” Oh, but it is. It’s simpler, yes, but every bit as delicious. Think of thin, crispy edges and a center loaded with sweet, tender apples. It’s one of those desserts you’ve never tried that screams cozy autumn vibes. Time to break out of the pie box.
Get the Recipe: Apple Galette

Air Fryer Peanut Butter Cookies

Stack of peanut butter cookies on a wooden board with a small bowl of peanut butter and a striped napkin.
Air Fryer Peanut Butter Cookies. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

Okay, Air Fryer Peanut Butter Cookies are exactly what they sound like. You might be thinking, “Cookies in an air fryer? Are you serious?” Yep, totally serious. And guess what? They’re amazing. If you’ve never tried making cookies this way before, it’s a bit unexpected, but in a “why didn’t I do this sooner?” kind of way. Crispy, peanut buttery goodness straight from your air fryer. Give it a go.
Get the Recipe: Air Fryer Peanut Butter Cookies

Apple Cider Donut Cake

Overhead shot of this apple bundt cake on a cake stand with apples in the background.
Apple Cider Donut Cake. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

Ever heard of an Apple Cider Donut Cake? It’s like someone took the essence of fall, apples, and donuts, mixed it all up, and turned it into a cake. If you’ve never tried this before, you’re probably thinking, “What? How does that even work?” Well, it does, and it’s surprisingly awesome. Imagine biting into a cake and getting that sweet apple cider punch. It’s strange, sure, but strangely good.
Get the Recipe: Apple Cider Donut Cake

Mini Pumpkin Cheesecakes

Mini Pumpkin Cheesecakes with whipped cream stars on top.
Mini Pumpkin Cheesecakes. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

Mini Pumpkin Cheesecakes are those cute little desserts you’ve never tried before but absolutely should. They pack all the punch of a regular cheesecake, swirled with the goodness of pumpkin. Imagine indulging in a creamy, pumpkin-y bite-sized treat. It sounds a little unusual but trust me, it’s the kind of unusual you want in your life. Perfect for when you’re craving something sweet but with a twist.
Get the Recipe: Mini Pumpkin Cheesecakes


Meringue on crumpled parchment paper bag on a wooden table.
Meringue. Photo credit: Eggs All Ways.

Meringue can seem a bit intimidating if you’ve never tried making it before. It’s all airy, fluffy, and crisp – a little cloud of sweetness. But once you get a taste, it’s like discovering a new level of dessert you didn’t know existed. Light, sugary, and melt-in-your-mouth good. Maybe it’s time to venture into the unknown and give these little clouds a try. They’re delightfully different.
Get the Recipe: Meringue

Champagne Sabayon

A spoon is scooping sabayon with strawberries and blueberries.
Champagne Sabayon. Photo credit: Eggs All Ways.

Last up, we’ve got Champagne Sabayon. If you’ve never heard of it, let alone tried it, you might be in for a surprise. It’s creamy, it’s frothy, and it’s got that bubbly kick of champagne. A dessert for those special occasions or when you just want to treat yourself to something fancy. It’s a bit out there compared to your usual sweet treats, but sometimes, that leap into the dessert unknown is totally worth it.
Get the Recipe: Champagne Sabayon

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