Grill guru: 17 recipes that’ll crown you the king (or queen) of the cookout

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Grilling is all about having fun and showing off your skills, you get just the right recipes to do that. This set of recipes is perfect for anyone who wants to be the star of their next cookout. They’re easy to follow, so you don’t need to be a pro to make your guests go, “wow!” Each recipe helps you whip up something special that keeps everyone returning for more. By the end of your event, these 17 recipes will crown you the cookout’s king (or queen).

Close-up shot of Grilled French Onion Pork Burgers on a Ninja Woodfire Outdoor Grill topped with cheesy onion on a plate.
Grilled French Onion Pork Burgers. Photo credit: Grill What You Love.

Grilled Steaks with Cowboy Butter

A grilled steak with cowboy butter on a white plate.
Grilled Steaks with Cowboy Butter. Photo credit: Grill What You Love.

Grill up a storm and serve these steaks with a dollop of rich cowboy butter that melts tantalizingly atop. The butter, infused with a mixture of herbs and spices, enhances the juicy tenderness of the steak in a way that’s hard to forget. It’s perfect for those moments when you want to add a little extra luxury to your meal. Grilled Steaks with Cowboy Butter are guaranteed crowd-pleasers at any cookout.
Get the Recipe: Grilled Steaks with Cowboy Butter

Grilled Peach Salad with Tomatoes

A plate with Grilled Peach Salad with Tomatoes.
Grilled Peach Salad with Tomatoes. Photo credit: Grill What You Love.

Combining smoky, sweet, and savory elements in one dish, this salad is anything but ordinary. The unique pairing found in Grilled Peach Salad with Tomatoes showcases how contrasting flavors can come together beautifully. It’s a fresh and light option that still manages to satisfy. This dish you want at your summer gatherings offers a refreshing twist. Everyone will be impressed by its unexpected and delicious combination.
Get the Recipe: Grilled Peach Salad with Tomatoes

Grilled Chicken Wings with Buffalo Sauce

Chicken wings on a white plate with sauce and carrots.
Grilled Chicken Wings with Buffalo Sauce. Photo credit: Grill What You Love.

There’s something about the smoky char from the grill that makes these wings an irresistible treat. It’s not just any barbecue favorite. Grilled Chicken Wings with Buffalo Sauce take your palate on a spicy adventure. Every bite is a perfect mix of heat and flavor, making them the ultimate finger food at any cookout. Just be sure to have plenty because they disappear fast.
Get the Recipe: Grilled Chicken Wings with Buffalo Sauce

Grilled Sausage & Peppers

A sandwich with grilled sausage & peppers, and onions on a plate.
Grilled Sausage & Peppers. Photo credit: Grill What You Love.

Sausage and peppers already make a great team, but grilling them adds a whole new level of deliciousness. Perfect for a no-fuss meal that still feels special, this dish brings comfort food to the great outdoors. Grilled Sausage & Peppers are certain to satisfy a crowd with their hearty flavors and aromas. It’s a classic combination that’s been taken up a notch with the smoky nuances of the grill.
Get the Recipe: Grilled Sausage & Peppers

Grilled Pork Chops with Pineapple Salsa

Grilled pork chops with pineapple salsa on a white plate.
Grilled Pork Chops with Pineapple Salsa. Photo credit: Grill What You Love.

Upgrading an already delicious dish to new heights, the addition of a fruity salsa does wonders. The combination found in Grilled Pork Chops with Pineapple Salsa offers a sweet and savory experience that’s hard to beat. It’s the kind of dish that makes you want to fire up the grill on any occasion. These chops are all about bringing something uniquely flavorful to the backyard BBQ. Honored guests and family alike will be asking for seconds, no doubt.
Get the Recipe: Grilled Pork Chops with Pineapple Salsa

Grilled Chicken Caprese Sandwich

2 Grilled Chicken Caprese Sandwiches on a black plate.
Grilled Chicken Caprese Sandwich. Photo credit: Grill What You Love.

Who would’ve thought the classic Italian salad could be turned into an even more delicious grilled sandwich? The simplicity and freshness shine through in every component. Grilled Chicken Caprese Sandwich is a summertime dream, making the most of ripe tomatoes and creamy mozzarella. It’s a hearty yet light option that’s perfect for lunch or dinner. This dish has a way of making every bite feel like a glimpse of sunshine.
Get the Recipe: Grilled Chicken Caprese Sandwich

Mediterranean Grilled Shrimp

Shrimp skewers on a white plate with lemon wedges.
Mediterranean Grilled Shrimp. Photo credit: Grill What You Love.

Bringing the flavors of the coast to your backyard, you can’t go wrong with this dish. Everyone will rave about the bold and bright tastes that are typical of Mediterranean cuisine. The shrimp are just the right choice for a quick yet impressive meal on the grill. It’s perfect for a light yet satisfying option at any dinner party. Truly, it’s a simple way to spice up your grilling game with a dash of Mediterranean flair.
Get the Recipe: Mediterranean Grilled Shrimp

Best Rub for Beef

A piece of steak on a cutting board with rub on it.
Best Rub for Beef. Photo credit: Grill What You Love.

When you coat your beef in this special rub, expect it to steal the show. Each bite packs a flavorful punch that will have your guests wondering about your secret ingredient. This mix enhances the natural flavors of the beef rather than overpowering them. It’s ideal for barbecue enthusiasts looking to perfect their grilled meats. Trust this rub to turn ordinary beef into an extraordinary feast.
Get the Recipe: Best Rub for Beef

Grilled Cauliflower Steaks

Three pieces of grilled cauliflower steaks on a black plate.
Grilled Cauliflower Steaks. Photo credit: Grill What You Love.

These aren’t just any steaks—Grilled Cauliflower Steaks transform a humble vegetable into the main course. Their satisfying texture and ability to absorb flavors make them a fantastic option for everyone at the table. This dish proves you don’t need meat to star in a show-stopping grill performance. It’s both health-friendly and decidedly delicious, bringing a new twist to vegetarian options. Even meat lovers will be asking for seconds.
Get the Recipe: Grilled Cauliflower Steaks

Grilled Mediterranean Lamb Chops

Three Ninja Woodfire Grill Mediterranean Lamb Chops topped with gremolata on a white plate.
Grilled Mediterranean Lamb Chops. Photo credit: Grill What You Love.

Experience the exceptional taste of the Mediterranean with these perfectly Grilled Mediterranean Lamb Chops. Their rich aroma and succulent flavor make them a standout dish guaranteed to impress. They offer a luxurious taste with every bite, ideal for special occasions or just a family weekend treat. Savor the reaction as your guests enjoy these divine chops, cooked to perfection.
Get the Recipe: Grilled Mediterranean Lamb Chops

Traeger Smoked Garlic

Close-up of roasted garlic cloves.
Traeger Smoked Garlic. Photo credit: Grill What You Love.

A simple tweak to your dish with Traeger Smoked Garlic can uplift its flavor profile immensely. Its gentle smokiness is versatile enough to enhance anything from spreads to seasonings. The subtle, mellow taste of smoked garlic adds a sophisticated touch to your cooking, surprising guests with its depth of flavor. It’s a chef’s trick that easily brings a gourmet feel to everyday dishes. Watch as this simple addition turns your meals into a culinary adventure.
Get the Recipe: Traeger Smoked Garlic

Reverse Seared Smoked Steaks with Smoked Garlic Butter

Reverse Seared Smoked Steaks with Smoked Garlic Butter on a plate with asparagus.
Reverse Seared Smoked Steaks with Smoked Garlic Butter. Photo credit: Grill What You Love.

Explore the art of grilling with a technique that ensures perfectly cooked steaks every time. The slow-cooking process allows the flavors to develop fully, especially when finished with a touch of smoked garlic butter. These steaks are about patience and precision, producing results that are well worth the wait. The smoked garlic butter adds an additional layer of complexity and richness.
Get the Recipe: Reverse Seared Smoked Steaks with Smoked Garlic Butter

Sizzling Thai Pork & Green Beans on the Blackstone Griddle

A plate of Thai pork & Green beans with rice, topped with a fried egg, served with chopsticks on the side.
Sizzling Thai Pork & Green Beans on the Blackstone Griddle. Photo credit: Grill What You Love.

Fire up the griddle for something spicy and incredibly tasty like this unique combination. The Thai-inspired flavors meld perfectly, making every bite a burst of taste. Sizzling Thai Pork & Green Beans are perfect for those looking to offer something different at the grill. It’s a vibrant, flavorful dish that effortlessly highlights any outdoor gathering. Prepare to receive heaps of compliments on your adventurous and delicious choice.
Get the Recipe: Sizzling Thai Pork & Green Beans on the Blackstone Griddle

Big Mac Tacos

Two Big Mac tacos filled with ground beef, shredded lettuce, and pickles, and drizzled with a creamy sauce, placed on a white plate.
Big Mac Tacos. Photo credit: Grill What You Love.

Combine the iconic flavors of a classic burger with the fun twist of a taco for an unexpected treat. Big Mac Tacos are a playful and delectable choice that nods to familiar tastes while offering something new and exciting. They’re perfect for parties where you want to serve up a conversation starter. Watch as guests enjoy the quirky, yet familiar mix of flavors in a fresh format. It’s sure to be a memorable addition to any casual gathering.
Get the Recipe: Big Mac Tacos

Grilled Bacon-Wrapped Chicken Breasts

Four bacon-wrapped chicken breasts on a white rectangular plate garnished with sprigs of parsley.
Grilled Bacon-Wrapped Chicken Breasts. Photo credit: Grill What You Love.

Smoky bacon wrapped around juicy chicken breast—what’s not to love? Cooked on the grill, this dish is a testament to how simple ingredients can create the most flavorful meals. Whether you’re hosting a small family dinner or a larger gathering, it’s a guaranteed hit. The mix of smoky and savory will have everyone asking for your recipe. Bacon-Wrapped Chicken Breasts showcase convenient cooking without sacrificing taste.
Get the Recipe: Grilled Bacon-Wrapped Chicken Breasts

Grilled French Onion Pork Burgers

Close-up shot of Grilled French Onion Pork Burgers on a Ninja Woodfire Outdoor Grill topped with cheesy onion on a plate.
Grilled French Onion Pork Burgers. Photo credit: Grill What You Love.

Think of a burger combining all French onion soup’s savory goodness. These pork burgers are just that—a fusion of flavors that meld together beautifully under the grill. They are sure to turn any barbecue into an upscale affair. Grilled French Onion Pork Burgers are both innovative and mouthwateringly delicious, making them a standout choice for any menu. Get ready for compliments because this dish brings gourmet to the backyard like no other
Get the Recipe: Grilled French Onion Pork Burgers

Grilled Vegetables

A variety of grilled vegetables on a platter.
Grilled Vegetables. Photo credit: Grill What You Love.

Bringing a rainbow of colors and flavors to your plate, these are far from ordinary. With each vegetable picking up a subtle smokiness, Grilled Vegetables become the star of any meal. They’re proof that simple things can be incredibly satisfying. Whether enjoyed on their own or as a side, they bring a fresh balance to the table. Everyone loves them for their versatility and vibrant taste.
Get the Recipe: Grilled Vegetables

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