15 reasons to have brunch for dinner (trust us, these recipes are worth it)

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Having brunch for dinner isn’t just about breaking rules; it’s about bringing a fresh perspective to your dining table. These 15 recipes show just how versatile breakfast foods can be, seamlessly fitting into the slot usually reserved for dinner. It’s an opportunity to lighten up the evening meal with dishes that are both fun to prepare and eat, breathing new life into what dinner can look like.

A breakfast dish: crispy potato nest with a sunny-side-up egg on top, seasoned with black pepper. A fork is placed on the right side of the white plate.
Baked Eggs in a Crunchy Potato Crust. Photo credit: Eggs All Ways.

Champagne Sabayon

A spoon is scooping sabayon with strawberries and blueberries.
Champagne Sabayon. Photo credit: Eggs All Ways.

Boost your evening with a dish known for its light texture and a hint of celebratory bubbly. It’s a sophisticated twist that brings brunch elegance to your dinner table. Enjoy the subtle interplay between sweet and tart as you end the day on a high note. The smooth consistency of Champagne Sabayon is an indulgence you won’t soon forget.
Get the Recipe: Champagne Sabayon

Bacon and Egg Salad

Egg salad on a piece of white bread.
Bacon and Egg Salad. Photo credit: Eggs All Ways.

Craving something comforting yet different for your next meal? Try a combination that’s a staple for morning taste buds reimagined for evening dining. With every bite, you’ll get the heartiness of bacon mingled with the classic touch of eggs. This Bacon and Egg Salad could easily become a new dinner favorite for those who love a twist on the classics.
Get the Recipe: Bacon and Egg Salad

Air Fryer Poached Eggs

Poached eggs on a wooden cutting board with a fork.
Air Fryer Poached Eggs. Photo credit: Eggs All Ways.

Who knew that bringing a touch of breakfast into dinner could be so effortless and delicious? By using an air fryer, you can create poached eggs that are just right, with runny yolks enveloped by perfectly set whites. They’re ideal for topping off a variety of dishes or enjoyed with a simple sprinkle of seasoning. Air Fryer Poached Eggs are a simple yet genius way to round out your evening meal.
Get the Recipe: Air Fryer Poached Eggs


Meringue on crumpled parchment paper bag on a wooden table.
Meringue. Photo credit: Eggs All Ways.

Not just for pie topping, Meringue offers a sweet, cloud-like end to any meal. Its airy texture and subtle sweetness provide the perfect counterpoint to a robust dinner. Mastering this dish may feel like a triumph, adding a show-stopping element to your nighttime spread. Serve up Meringue to cap off the night with something light and delightful.
Get the Recipe: Meringue

Souffle Pancakes

Three souffle pancakes with powdered sugar on a blue and white striped plate.
Souffle Pancakes. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

Imagine pancakes that are so fluffy, they seem to float off the plate. Souffle Pancakes are exactly that, and they’re not just for morning indulgence. Light as air and yet satisfyingly filling, they bring a special kind of joy to dining after dusk. These pillowy wonders are a surefire way to make dinner a little more special.
Get the Recipe: Souffle Pancakes


Overhead shot of two bowls of chawanmushi with garnishes.
Chawanmushi. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

Explore the subtle flavors of Japan with a savory egg custard that’s both comforting and elegant. Chawanmushi is a warm, savory treat, perfect for those looking to add some international flair to their dinner routine. Silky smooth in texture, it’s a testament to the power of simple ingredients coming together in harmony. It’s not your average dinner dish, but it might just become a regular at your table.
Get the Recipe: Chawanmushi

Soy Sauce Eggs

Soy sauce eggs on a white plate garnished with scallions.
Soy Sauce Eggs. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

Adding a twist to your dinner can be as simple as introducing Soy Sauce Eggs. They’re packed with umami and can transform a standard meal into something unexpectedly flavorful. Typically enjoyed with ramen or as a snack, they hold their own as a standout feature in a heartier meal. If you haven’t tried Soy Sauce Eggs at dinner, you’re missing out on a versatile and flavorful addition.
Get the Recipe: Soy Sauce Eggs

Swirled Garlic Bread

A loaf of bread with garlic and onions on a cutting board.
Swirled Garlic Bread. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

Turn a beloved side dish into the star of your dinnertime show with Swirled Garlic Bread. This isn’t just a support act; it’s a garlicky, buttery treat that deserves a prime spot on the dinner plate. It pairs well with almost anything, and it’s impossible to resist its aromatic allure. One bite of this comforting favorite and you’ll wonder why you haven’t been making it for dinner all along.
Get the Recipe: Swirled Garlic Bread

Air Fryer Breakfast Quesadillas

A stack of air fried breakfast quesadillas with bacon, and cheese on a plate, surrounded by ingredients and condiments on a wooden table.
Air Fryer Breakfast Quesadillas. Photo credit: Eggs All Ways.

Who says quesadillas are only for lunch or dinner? By packing them with breakfast-themed fillings and cooking them in an air fryer, they become a perfect evening meal. They’re quick, easy, and endlessly customizable to suit any craving. Air Fryer Breakfast Quesadillas prove that the best of breakfast can indeed make for a fantastic dinner.
Get the Recipe: Air Fryer Breakfast Quesadillas


Overhead shot of chilaquiles on a black plate with a fork and knife on the side.
Chilaquiles. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

Bring the vibrant flavors of Mexico to your dinner with a dish often savored at brunch. Chilaquiles combine simple ingredients to create a meal that’s both satisfying and full of character. It’s a communal dish, perfect for sharing and guaranteed to spark conversation. Let Chilaquiles show you how breakfast for dinner can be lively and sociable.
Get the Recipe: Chilaquiles

Candied Bacon

Candied bacon in a canning jar.
Candied Bacon. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

Taking bacon to a whole new level, this version comes with a sweet twist that’s downright irresistible. Candied Bacon is a perfect mix of sweet, salty, and crispy, making it a decadent addition to any meal. It’s a side that can double as a treat, straddling the line between meal and dessert. If you’re looking to add a bit of indulgence to your dinner, this is the way to go.
Get the Recipe: Candied Bacon

Salmon and Asparagus Quiche

Salmon and asparagus quiche on a metal plate with parchment paper.
Salmon and Asparagus Quiche. Photo credit: Eggs All Ways.

A slice of quiche can be just as satisfying in the evening as it is at noon. With the rich flavors of salmon and the freshness of asparagus, this dish offers a balance that feels both indulgent and light. Perfect for those days when you want a meal that’s both simple and refined. The Salmon and Asparagus Quiche could easily become the highlight of your dining experience.
Get the Recipe: Salmon and Asparagus Quiche

Baked Eggs in a Crunchy Potato Crust

A breakfast dish: crispy potato nest with a sunny-side-up egg on top, seasoned with black pepper. A fork is placed on the right side of the white plate.
Baked Eggs in a Crunchy Potato Crust. Photo credit: Eggs All Ways.

Combining two favorite comfort foods, this dish offers the best of both worlds. Baked Eggs nestled in a Crunchy Potato Crust ooze comfort and warmth, ideal for a cozy dinner. It’s a rustic, yet ingenious way to serve eggs and potatoes; as a bonus, it cuts out the need for separate sides. This approach to dinner merges simplicity with creativity—and the result is absolutely delicious.
Get the Recipe: Baked Eggs in a Crunchy Potato Crust

Air Fryer French Toast

Low angle shot of the french toast on a rectangular white plate.
Air Fryer French Toast. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

Want something sweet but not too heavy for dinner? Transform the classic French toast into a lighter, easier dish by preparing it in an air fryer. This technique gives you that coveted crispy outside with a tender, warm inside. Air Fryer French Toast is a quick way to enjoy a touch of sweetness without spending hours in the kitchen.
Get the Recipe: Air Fryer French Toast

Blueberry Clafoutis

Low angle shot of 2 white ramekins filled with blueberry clafoutis.
Blueberry Clafoutis. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

Experience rustic French charm at your dinner table with a dessert that’s sure to impress. Blueberry Clafoutis combines fresh, juicy blueberries in a tender, custard-like batter that’s surprisingly simple yet delicious. It’s not overly sweet, which makes it a perfect finish to any meal. When you’re in the mood for something a little different, Blueberry Clafoutis is a delightful choice.
Get the Recipe: Blueberry Clafoutis

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