Crack the Code: How to Preserve Farm Fresh Eggs

Whether you have a coop full of overachieving hens or just hit the jackpot at the farmer’s market, it’s time to learn how to make those eggs last. Here are four ways to preserve your farm fresh eggs for later.

Saving money, reducing food waste and ensuring a consistent supply of eggs throughout the year are just a few reasons to learn different methods of preserving fresh eggs.

Dehydrating eggs is a popular method of preserving farm fresh eggs without a fridge or freezer.

To dehydrate eggs, crack them into a bowl and whisk together before pouring them onto a fruit leather tray in your dehydrator.

You can also freeze eggs. Break the eggs into an ice cube tray and freeze them in individual cubes. Thaw cubes as needed to use in breakfast dishes or baking recipes.

Alternatively, you could scramble the eggs without cooking them before freezing them in an ice cube tray, then thaw them for a fast scrambled egg breakfast.

Other options for preserving farm fresh eggs include water glassing eggs and rubbing them with lard, oil, or shortening.

Learn more and get the details of how to preserve eggs when you visit our site.