13 insanely delicious cookies to bake away your worries

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Feeling stressed? These cookie recipes offer the perfect solution. Baking can be a great way to relax, and these 13 insanely delicious cookies to bake away your worries are just what you need. Each recipe is straightforward, ensuring you can whip up a batch without any hassle. These cookies are perfect for sharing with friends and family or enjoying all to yourself. Let the soothing process of baking and the joy of tasty cookies help you unwind.

Hamentashen cookies piled on a white plate with more cookies on a rack in the background. There is jar of jam with a spoon in it in the background too.
Hamentashen. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

German Chocolate Macarons

German chocolate macarons with chocolate ganache drizzle.
German Chocolate Macarons. Photo credit: Eggs All Ways.

Baking can be a great way to unwind, especially with something as unique as macarons. German Chocolate Macarons are a delicious twist that combines a classic cake flavor with the delicate texture of macarons. They’re a bit of a project, but the result is so worth it — a batch of these and your worries seem to disappear. Plus, they’re an impressive treat to share, showing off your baking skills.
Get the Recipe: German Chocolate Macarons

Air Fryer Peanut Butter Cookies

Stack of peanut butter cookies on a wooden board with a small bowl of peanut butter and a striped napkin.
Air Fryer Peanut Butter Cookies. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

Have an air fryer and love cookies? Air Fryer Peanut Butter Cookies might just be your new favorite recipe. They come out perfectly soft in the middle with a slight crunch on the edges, and there’s no need to heat up the whole kitchen. It’s a quick, mess-free way to get your cookie fix without a lot of hassle.
Get the Recipe: Air Fryer Peanut Butter Cookies

Chocolate Rugelach

Low angle shot of rugelach cookies filled with chocolate and pecans.
Chocolate Rugelach. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

When you’re in the mood for something rich and chocolatey, Chocolate Rugelach has got you covered. This traditional treat wraps chocolate in a soft, flaky dough, offering bite after delicious bite. Making them is almost as comforting as eating them, with each piece feeling like a little act of self-care. They’re perfect for when you need a baking project that ends with a seriously tasty reward.
Get the Recipe: Chocolate Rugelach

Black Sesame Cookies

Black sesame cookies on a baking sheet with a spoonful of black sesame seeds.
Black Sesame Cookies. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

Ever feel like shaking things up with your cookie game? Black Sesame Cookies are a standout option, bringing an unexpected nutty and slightly savory twist. They’re a conversation starter, perfect for when you want to bake something out of the ordinary. The unique flavor profile is a pleasant surprise, making these cookies a memorable treat.
Get the Recipe: Black Sesame Cookies


Meringue on crumpled parchment paper bag on a wooden table.
Meringue. Photo credit: Eggs All Ways.

Sometimes, the best baking projects are the ones that bring a bit of beauty and lightness to your day. Meringue is that airy, crisp sweet treat that seems to melt away any stress with its delicate texture. Perfecting them can be a fun challenge, and they’re incredibly versatile for decorating. Whether as a dessert topper or enjoyed on their own, they add a special touch to your baking repertoire.
Get the Recipe: Meringue

Air Fryer Hot Cocoa Cookies

Stack of hot cocoa cookies on a plate.
Air Fryer Hot Cocoa Cookies. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

For those chilly days when you’re craving something warm and comforting, Air Fryer Hot Cocoa Cookies are here to save the day. They bring the comforting taste of hot cocoa to a chewy, melt-in-your-mouth cookie form. Using the air fryer means you get to enjoy them faster, without compromising on that fresh-baked cookie experience. It’s like a hug in cookie form, perfect for warming up your mood.
Get the Recipe: Air Fryer Hot Cocoa Cookies

Quaker Oatmeal Cookies

Low angle shot of oatmeal cookies on a white plate.
Quaker Oatmeal Cookies. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

Oatmeal cookies are a classic for a reason, and Quaker Oatmeal Cookies stick to what works. They’re hearty, filling, and carry that hint of nostalgia with each bite. Baking a batch is like a return to simpler times, offering comfort and a break from the modern world whirlwind. Plus, they’re customizable with add-ins, making each batch uniquely yours.
Get the Recipe: Quaker Oatmeal Cookies

Honey Cookies with Orange and Cinnamon

Low-angled shot of a honey cookie broken in half with stacks of honey cookies and a glass of milk in the background.
Honey Cookies with Orange and Cinnamon. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

When you’re looking to bake something that’s both sweet and fragrant, Honey Cookies with Orange and Cinnamon hit the spot. These cookies bring a lovely combination of flavors, brightening your kitchen with their aroma. They strike a perfect balance, not too sweet but incredibly satisfying. It’s a cookie experience that feels a bit more grown-up, perfect for pairing with your afternoon tea or coffee.
Get the Recipe: Honey Cookies with Orange and Cinnamon

Caramel Whoopie Pies

A plate of caramel sandwich cookies on a white plate.
Caramel Whoopie Pies. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

Sometimes, what you need is a treat that’s as fun to make as it is to eat, and Caramel Whoopie Pies fit the bill. These sandwich cookies offer a soft, cake-like texture matched with a rich, gooey filling. They’re the perfect pick-me-up, combining fun, flavor, and a bit of nostalgia. Whether you share them or keep them all to yourself, they’re a delicious way to bake away your worries.
Get the Recipe: Caramel Whoopie Pies


Hamentashen cookies piled on a white plate with more cookies on a rack in the background. There is jar of jam with a spoon in it in the background too.
Hamentashen. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

Bringing a bit of tradition to your baking can be incredibly rewarding, and Hamentashen are a great way to do that. These triangular cookies have a filling peeking out, inviting you to take a bite. Making them is a hands-on experience, perfect for when you want to get lost in the process. They’re not just delicious; they’re a connection to history and culture through food.
Get the Recipe: Hamentashen

Ginger Snaps

Low angle shot of a single gingersnap cookie broken in half.
Ginger Snaps. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

There’s nothing like the spicy aroma of Ginger Snaps baking in the oven to make your kitchen feel cozy. These cookies offer the perfect crunchy texture, paired with a warm, spicy flavor. They’re ideal for when you’re craving something with a bit of a bite. Plus, dunking them in your favorite warm beverage takes the experience to the next level.
Get the Recipe: Ginger Snaps

Dulce de Leche Cookies

Overhead shot of dulce de leche cookies.
Dulce de Leche Cookies. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

When you’re in the mood for something sweet and indulgent, Dulce de Leche Cookies are exactly what you need. They combine a buttery cookie with the rich, caramel flavor of dulce de leche. Each bite is a mini escape to a world of sweetness. They’re a bit like shortbread but taken up a notch, making for a luxurious treat.
Get the Recipe: Dulce de Leche Cookies

Rhubarb Cookies

Stacked rhubarb cookies with slices of rhubarb.
Rhubarb Cookies. Photo credit: All Ways Delicious.

For those times when you stumble upon rhubarb and wonder what to do with it, Rhubarb Cookies offer a delicious solution. They bring a unique tartness that balances beautifully with the sweet cookie dough. These cookies are a great way to add some variety to your usual baking lineup. The slightly tangy flavor makes them stand out, offering a refreshingly different kind of cookie.
Get the Recipe: Rhubarb Cookies

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