If you’re sick of being bug food this summer, you’re in dire need of essential oils for bug bites and bite prevention. Skip the harsh chemicals in traditional bug-repellent and gross-smelling itch-relief cream; let’s talk about the natural options you can try instead.

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Spending time outdoors is an absolute must for me and my family in the summer. There’s just one problem: the bugs are out and about, too.
Before I discovered essential oils for bite relief and prevention, I used regular bug-repellent, which is not as skin-friendly as I wanted it to be. Now, I just use natural oils, make my own solution, and use it to repel bugs and soothe bites.
Want to find out how you can do the same? Let’s learn how you can avoid and soothe those pesky bug bites naturally.
Do essential oils work for bug bite relief and prevention?
Essential oils provide a ton of benefits for physical and mental health, which is why they’re most frequently used for aromatherapy. However, can they work for more practical uses like bug bite relief and prevention?
Maybe you want to host an outdoor dinner party this summer without worrying about itchy bites in your new entertaining area. Perhaps you simply want to relax on your porch without feeling like a beacon for mosquitoes and flies. Whatever the case may be, essential oils can be a surprisingly effective tool for bug bite relief and prevention. Even the scholars at the American College of Healthcare Sciences agree.
What essentials really work, though? Let’s go over the natural oils that work best for prevention first.

Best essential oils for bug bite prevention
Prevention is always better than a cure, and this cannot be more accurate with bug bites. They’re itchy, painful and can even lead to infection. That said, here are some great essential oils that can repel bugs:
Citronella oil is probably the most well-known essential oil for bug bite prevention. Its strong, citrusy scent masks human odors that attract insects, particularly mosquitoes.
However, citronella candles aren’t as effective as you may think, according to the GLA County Vector Control District. So, it might be better to apply it directly to the skin via homemade solution or add it to your favorite summer diffuser blends.
“We’ve always lived in areas with a ton of mosquitoes and other insects and have found that citronella or lemongrass essential oil works very well for keeping the bugs away. And if any of us do get a bug bite, my mixture of lavender oil and peppermint oil in an almond oil base helps soothe the itch and burn.”
— Sarita Harbour, An Off Grid Life
Eucalyptus oil is another excellent choice for keeping insects at bay. This oil is particularly effective against mosquitoes, thanks to its powerful scent, which bugs find overwhelming. Plus, it has a cooling effect when applied to the skin, which can add a layer of comfort in hot, buggy environments.
Tea tree
Tea tree oil is known for its antibacterial and antiseptic properties, but it’s also a great bug repellent. The strong, medicinal aroma of tea tree oil deters insects, making it a dual-purpose oil — use it for both prevention and to treat bites if they happen.
The sharp, citrusy aroma confuses pests like mosquitoes and flies, making you far less appealing to them. A few drops mixed with a carrier oil can be applied to your skin, or you can use it in a diffuser to help keep your space bug-free, whether you’re indoors or enjoying the outdoors. It’s also a surprisingly effective oil for soothing bites.
“At the first signs of a bug bite, I apply a drop of lemon oil to the spot. It immediately takes away the itchy feeling and removes the urge to scratch. If someone has already scratched at the bite — especially if it’s opened the skin or is bleeding — then I use a drop of lavender. Lemon on open skin can cause a burning sensation.”
— Sage Scott, Everyday Wanderer
The menthol content in peppermint oil is a natural pest deterrent, which makes it a great choice for repelling mosquitoes, ants and other bugs. Plus, if you do get bitten, peppermint oil can help soothe the itch and reduce swelling.

Best essential oils for bug bite relief
A lot of the essential oils we’ve mentioned above are great for both bug bite prevention and relief, namely peppermint, tea tree and lemon. Here are other oils you can use to soothe those pesky bites:
While most people are drawn to its sweet, floral scent, bugs find it anything but appealing. The aroma of lavender oil works to mask the human scents that attract insects, making it harder for them to find you.
What’s more, lavender oil is a go-to remedy. Its natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties make it perfect for soothing the itchiness and redness that often accompany bites.
A few drops of lavender oil, diluted with a carrier oil, can be gently applied to the affected area to bring almost instant relief and help reduce swelling. You can also create your own lavender mosquito lotion with beeswax and coconut oil.
This gentle yet effective oil is known for its calming and anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it’s one of my favorite sensitive-skin-friendly alternatives to traditional bug-repellent. When you dab some diluted chamomile oil on a bug bite, it helps soothe the itch and cool down any irritation. Better yet, it can also help moisturize your skin.
You might not think of basil beyond the kitchen, but basil oil is a surprisingly effective remedy for bug bites. A 2017 study from BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies proves that it’s packed with compounds like camphor and thymol, which not only reduce swelling but also ease pain.
Plus, basil oil has a natural cooling effect that feels amazing on itchy bites. You can even turn fresh basil from your herb garden into basil oil by blending it with grapeseed oil.
Another great essential oil for bug bite relief is frankincense oil, thanks to its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. It can help reduce the swelling, redness and itchiness that come with bug bites. Just mix a few drops with carrier oil and apply it directly to the bite.
Enjoy a bug-free summer the natural way
Using essential oils for bug bite prevention and relief is a simple, natural way to enjoy your time outdoors without worrying about pesky insects. With these easy tips, you’ll be able to soak up the summer sun without becoming a feast for the bugs.
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The contents of this article, made available via Food Drink Life, are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice. The Content presented here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or dietary changes. Reliance on any information provided by this article is solely at your own risk.
Jessica Haggard is the creator of the blog Easy Homemade Life. She inspires and supports homemakers with easy recipes, natural home cleaning tips and DIY tutorials for personal care products to promote a happy and healthy home environment.