Chase the gloomiest away with these 27 uplifting eats

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We all have our gloomy days, don’t we? But here’s something exciting— food is not just for the tummy, it’s for the soul too! You can chase the ‘gloomies’ away with these 27 mood-lifting eats! These treats are more than delicious; they do a splendid job of cheering us up. Who knew eating could turn frowns upside down? So, tag along on this yummy trip, and let’s eat our way to happiness!

Two bowls of chili with onions and sour cream.
Epic Bean Chili. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Egg Bites

Egg Bites on a board with a little parsley on top.
Egg Bites. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Have you ever woken up to one of those gloomy mornings where nothing seems right? Well, Egg Bites are your little mood-lifters to get the day going on a positive note. They’re zingy, they’re protein-packed, they’re flavorful. Every bite delivers a zesty punch that melts the gloom away. Start your day with a dose of joy with Egg Bites.
Get the Recipe: Egg Bites

Hashbrown Casserole

Hashbrown casserole being served.
Hashbrown Casserole. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

You know what chases the gloomiest away? A delicious, comfort-loaded Hashbrown Casserole. Think of it like a warm, food hug on a plate, to brighten up any day. It’s the edible version of a sunny day, the perfect cure for those mornings when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed.
Get the Recipe: Hashbrown Casserole

Mississippi Mud Pie

A slice of Mississippi mud pie on a plate.
Mississippi Mud Pie. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Open up your happy gates with a slice of Mississippi Mud Pie. Trust me, it’s a mood-changer. The rich, chocolaty sensation in each bite brings with it an impending wave of joy and comfort. This is your edible ray of sunshine on a gloomy day.
Get the Recipe: Mississippi Mud Pie

Egg Casserole – Make Ahead Breakfast

A casserole dish containing egg casserole.
Egg Casserole – Make Ahead Breakfast. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Starting your day with the make-ahead Egg Casserole ensures there’s no room for gloom. It’s a tasty, cheerful start to your day. What’s a better way to shoo away the morning blues?
Get the Recipe: Egg Casserole – Make Ahead Breakfast

Dauphinoise Potatoes

An oven dish with baked dauphinoise potatoes in it.
Dauphinoise Potatoes. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Slide a serving of Dauphinoise Potatoes onto your plate and kiss the gloom goodbye. Freshly baked, it unites creamy potatoes and a crispy crust under one roof. One bite of this comforting classic, and you’re off the gloom grid.
Get the Recipe: Dauphinoise Potatoes

Broccoli Casserole with Crackers

Someone serving broccoli casserole.
Broccoli Casserole with Crackers. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Broccoli Casserole with crackers is just the dish you need when you’re feeling a bit glum. It combines the nutritional goodness of greens with the satisfying crunch of crackers. A go-to comfort food that snips any growing gloom in the bud. With each bite you’ll feel lighter, more positive, and definitely hungrier for the next spoonful.
Get the Recipe: Broccoli Casserole with Crackers

Easy Banana Pudding

Banana pudding in a bowl with whipped cream and bananas.
Easy Banana Pudding. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Indulge in an Easy Banana Pudding and you’ll forget what gloom feels like. This layer-after-layer of creamy, sweet comfort is as uplifting as it gets. One spoonful, and it’s sunshine all the way.
Get the Recipe: Easy Banana Pudding

Southern Mash

Mashed potatoes on a white plate.
Southern Mash. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

When the blues get a hold of you, reply back with Southern Mash. It hits all the right notes with its creamy, buttery goodness. It’s a dish that aims straight for the heart and takes away any lingering gloom. After all, who could stay down after a bite of this comforting dish?
Get the Recipe: Southern Mash

Corn Casserole

Corn casserole in a casserole dish with a portion removed.
Corn Casserole. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Fighting off a gloomy day is a tough job, but Corn Casserole is up for the challenge. Creamy, sweet, and savory, it’s a culinary trifecta that boosts your mood. This hearty casserole is delicious to the core, turning frown lines into delighted smiles. Chase away those rainy-day vibes with a serving (or two) of Corn Casserole.
Get the Recipe: Corn Casserole

Lemon Pie

A slice of lemon pie sits on a plate next to a pie with a slice removed.
Lemon Pie. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

A cloudy day stands no chance against a freshly baked Lemon Pie. Every bite zings with brightness that awakens your senses and dusts the gloom off. It’s a magical combination of sweet, tangy, and sunshine – all bundled together to light up your day.
Get the Recipe: Lemon Pie

Spinach and Ricotta Lasagna

A lasagna being dished up.
Spinach and Ricotta Lasagna. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Just about feeling those gloomy vibes creep in? Get ready to send them back where they came from with our Spinach and Ricotta Lasagna. It’s all about wholesome goodness and nurturing comfort, melted in one dish. Say hello to smiles and goodbye to gloom with every bite.
Get the Recipe: Spinach and Ricotta Lasagna

Sweet Potato Casserole With Marshmallows

A person scooping a sweet potato casserole out of a baking dish.
Sweet Potato Casserole With Marshmallows. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

A gloomy mood can be turned around with some comforting Sweet Potato Casserole topped with gooey marshmallows. It offers a waltz of flavors that flips your mood for the better. A spoonful of this comforting delight can instantly bring a feel-good aura to knock those gloomies right off.
Get the Recipe: Sweet Potato Casserole With Marshmallows

Hash Browns

Hash Browns on a white plate with an egg and avocado.
Hash Browns. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

If gloom had a nemesis, it’d definitely be a plateful of our golden, crunchy Hash Browns. They epitomize cheerful morning vibes, turning any breakfast into an uplifting feast. With a dish so heartwarming, the gloom won’t stand a chance.
Get the Recipe: Hash Browns

Green Bean Casserole

A casserole dish filled with green bean casserole with a spoon in it.
Green Bean Casserole. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

The Green Bean Casserole defies its humble origins with a rich flavor that’s a reliable mood-lifter. Crisp green beans, creamy sauce, and the oh-so-satisfying crunch of fried onion – it’s like a happiness hug in a bite. Foods get no cheaper than this.
Get the Recipe: Green Bean Casserole

Breakfast Potatoes

Breakfast potatoes with parsley on a wooden cutting board.
Breakfast Potatoes. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Breakfast Potatoes are sunshine on a plate. Delicious, hearty, and golden, they add joy to your breakfast like nothing else. Start your day with these and you’re signing up for a day free from the gloomies.
Get the Recipe: Breakfast Potatoes

Penne Alla Vodka

Two bowls of penne alla vodka, with Parmesan by the side.
Penne Alla Vodka. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Looking to vanquish the gloomies? Meet your hero, Penne Alla Vodka. This classic dish, with its flavorsome tug-of-war between the tang of tomatoes and the soothing vodka, is like a joy-packed culinary adventure. It’s sure to brighten up your spirits!
Get the Recipe: Penne Alla Vodka

French Toast Casserole

A person taking a portion of French toast casserole.
French Toast Casserole. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

If ever there was a way to eat happiness, it is in the form of a French Toast Casserole. This tasty dish creates the perfect backdrop for a day filled with cheer. Chase those gloomies away and let this morning’s glory brighten your day.
Get the Recipe: French Toast Casserole

Scalloped Potatoes

Cheesy potato casserole in a white dish with a fork.
Scalloped Potatoes. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Here’s your tool to slice through the gloom: a hearty helping of Scalloped Potatoes. This creamy, satisfying classic will lift your spirits faster than you can say “comfort food”. Gloom, be gone!
Get the Recipe: Scalloped Potatoes

Cheesy Cauliflower Casserole

Cheesy cauliflower casserole in a white dish with spoons.
Cheesy Cauliflower Casserole. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

With our Cheesy Cauliflower Casserole, you’re one bite away from chasing the gloomies away. It’s the perfect marriage of healthful indulgence that’ll plaster a smile on your face. Dive in and let the cheerfulness wash over you.
Get the Recipe: Cheesy Cauliflower Casserole

Homemade Cinnamon Rolls

Cinnamon rolls in a pan with icing.
Homemade Cinnamon Rolls. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Homemade Cinnamon Rolls are the baked equivalent of happiness. They bring brightness and cheer, the perfect antidote for a gloomy day. Wrap your hands around these comforting rolls and watch the gloom disappear.
Get the Recipe: Homemade Cinnamon Rolls

Egg and Potato Breakfast Casserole

A plate with a slice of Egg & Potato Breakfast Casserole and a fork.
Egg and Potato Breakfast Casserole. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Gloom is a foreign concept when you have our Egg and Potato breakfastasserole for company. This powerful mood lifter eradicates blues with its warm, tasty combo of eggs and potatoes. It’s a cheerful start to a happy day.
Get the Recipe: Egg and Potato Breakfast Casserole

Cauliflower Steaks

Cauliflower steaks with pomegranate and pistachios on a plate.
Cauliflower Steaks. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Who can stay gloomy in the face of Cauliflower Steaks? This wholesome, hearty dish is a ticket to a brighter mood. Every bite will make your day a little sunnier.
Get the Recipe: Cauliflower Steaks

Epic Bean Chili

Two bowls of chili with onions and sour cream.
Epic Bean Chili. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Gloom, meet your match – the robust and flavorful Epic Bean Chili. This dish is not just about the warmth; it is about the cheer and vibrancy that kicks gloominess to the curb. Indulge in a bowl and feel the joy seep in.
Get the Recipe: Epic Bean Chili

Easy Vegetable Stew

A bowl of stew with bread and carrots.
Easy Vegetable Stew. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Let the gloom wash away with a comforting bowl of Easy Vegetable Stew. Filled with a burst of vibrant veggies – it’s the equivalent of a belly full of joy. Chase away the gloomies with this hearty, tasty dish.
Get the Recipe: Easy Vegetable Stew

Baked Brie

A baked brie with walnuts and thyme, with a jar of honey next to it.
Baked Brie. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Here’s a go-to comfort dish to battle your gloom – Baked Brie. The moment you bite into that soft, creamy goodness, your mood lightens up. It’s like a little beacon of cheerfulness on your plate. No chance the blues can withstand so much positivity.
Get the Recipe: Baked Brie

Mushroom Risotto

A bowl of risotto with mushrooms and parmesan cheese.
Mushroom Risotto. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

When gloom strikes a chord, respond with Mushroom Risotto. The comforting texture, the intense flavor, the overall joy it brings to your palate, it’s a mood enhancer wrapped in a tasty dish. It’s a little bowl of happiness, tailor-made for cheering up those gray moods.
Get the Recipe: Mushroom Risotto

Baked Alaska

A slice of baked Alaska on a cake slice above the pie with a slice removed.
Baked Alaska. Photo credit: Splash of Taste.

Baked Alaska is more than a dessert. It’s a mood-turner. Fluffy meringue, hot and cold combined—it’s pure magic that leaps right off the plate and brightens your mood. Each delicious layer chases the gloom farther away.
Get the Recipe: Baked Alaska

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