Thriving together towards a healthy family lifestyle

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Spending quality time with your family is harder than it should be with the busyness of everyday life. Make the most out of the opportunities you do get by engaging in activities that will lead to a healthy family lifestyle. Here are some ways to thrive together as a family — from outdoor adventures to cooking competitions in your kitchens, you’ll be making memories that’ll last a lifetime. 

Family buying fruits and vegetables in a supermarket.
Teaching your kids to eat well is just a part of a healthy family lifestyle. Photo credit: Depositphotos.

Active adventures as a family

Engaging in outdoor activities is a great way to promote a healthy family lifestyle. Get your heart pumping by playing at the park with your kids, taking a hike or tossing around a frisbee. It’s a much-needed break from technology as the average American child spends around 30 minutes playing outdoors and more than 7 hours in front of a screen daily. 

You can turn outdoor activities into an adventurous day of learning and discovery. Make a game out of pointing to interesting things while on a walk, such as that cloud that’s shaped like an animal. To satisfy your kids’ curiosity, bring along a plant encyclopedia to identify the different types of plant species that grow in your neighborhood. 

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Building stronger family bonds through traditional food

During Lunar New Year preparations, it is a common tradition for each family member to help make dumplings. Besides this being a custom to spread prosperity among the family — due to the shape of dumplings, which resembles ancient currency — it is a great way to spend quality family time. 

Cooking traditional food together helps develop a healthy family lifestyle. It educates younger family members about their cultural background while allowing the elders to share stories and bond with the kids. The act of cooking itself helps you unwind by unplugging from the world beyond the kitchen, with full attention focused on perfecting the recipe.

It’s no shock that cooking and eating together can significantly benefit mental health. A study from The College of Family Physicians of Canada showed that frequent family dinners can help prevent eating disorders, substance abuse, violent behavior and mental illnesses in young children. 

Make an effort to create tech-free zones during these cooking sessions. Disconnecting from screens sets the stage for family members to chat about their days, providing valuable time to connect with loved ones.

The healthier side of comfort food

As your family cooks together more often, you may find that regularly preparing traditional comfort foods might not be the most sustainable option for maintaining a healthy diet. This is not to say you can’t enjoy your favorite cultural cuisine, but if you want to make them more nutritionally balanced, consider changing a few ingredients by referencing a clean eating food list

Chana masala, a staple Indian chickpea curry, can easily be made with a high-fiber and low-fat recipe while maintaining its authentic spicy flavor. Use unrefined oils like avocado or extra virgin olive oil for a healthy source of fat. Increase the fiber content of your meal by enjoying it with a whole-wheat flatbread or side salad. Ingredient substitutions don’t have to be drastic to contribute to a healthy family lifestyle. 

Inclusive cooking

Take into account different ages and dietary preferences when cooking a family meal. Everyone should be able to enjoy the warm dishes you’ve prepared together

Adapt recipes as necessary, such as using low-carb bread crumbs to coat your chicken to keep it keto diet friendly. You can make low-carb bread crumbs using nutritional yeast or even pork rinds.

Celebrating small wins as a family

Compliments and acknowledgment for hard work are usually reserved for big milestones or accomplishments. However, celebrating small wins is crucial in creating motivation to achieve bigger wins. 

To create a supportive family culture, make it a routine to recognize small wins. Praise your kids for finishing a chore or yourself and your partner for sticking to a consistent exercise routine. Bad days aren’t as bad if you have a positive home environment to come back to.

Family cooking competition 

For something fun and interactive, host monthly cooking competitions with your family. Rotate who’ll be the judges and the contestants each month. Challenge each contestant to make a dish that is creative, healthy and, most importantly, delicious. You never know; someone may come up with a genius dish that’ll become a treasured family recipe.

To give you a headstart, this pumpkin fries recipe meets all three criteria. Pumpkins are low in calories yet nutritious, with high amounts of antioxidants and potassium. They’re an unpredictable alternative to sweet potato fries, the usual French fry substitute. Not to mention, pumpkin fries are sweet, crispy, and versatile — you can season them with various spices to cater to your family’s palate. 

Thrive as a family

Embracing the philosophy of thriving together will help build a healthy family lifestyle. From starting your family’s version of MasterChef to taking an adventurous nature walk, there are plenty of activities that will foster connection, creativity and well-being. Start making memorable experiences that’ll help you and your family become the best versions of yourselves. 

Zuzana is the creative force behind her website Best Clean Eating. As a content creator, food recipe developer, blogger, and photographer, Zuzana brings diverse skills to the table with a dedication to sharing delicious, healthy recipes and helpful tips with the readers.

Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The contents of this article are for informational purposes only and do not constitute medical advice. The content presented here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or dietary changes. Reliance on any information provided by this article is solely at your own risk.

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